Saturday, October 5, 2013

ZK ServerPush with WebSocket - Rework


This article describe how to use WebSocket to do ServerPush in ZK MVVM, modified from previous article ZK: Server Push with WebSocket ( with the desktop based implementation from ZK AURequest with WebSocket (

It integrates WebSocket in ZK for ServerPush in more general way and has better performance (compared with previous component based version).

Environment: Tomcat 7.0.42, ZK 6.5.2

NOTE: This is just a POC with some customized components.


ZK AURequest with WebSocket

ZK Create Helper Tag to Make Programmer Happier

ZK Basic MVVM Pattern


View demo on line


There are lots of source files, will only post code for some of them and post link for others.


Entry page


Push value to all desktop (i.e., Application scope) with button click.

    <!-- Tested with ZK 6.5.2 -->
    <window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
        viewModel="@id('vm') @init('test.TestPushToAllVM')">
        <!-- intbox, listen to positive integer in the begining -->
        <intbox readonly="true" />
            <contextBinding field="value" context="@load(vm.counter)" />
        listen to: <label value="@load(vm.counter)" />
        <div />
        inverse Counter:
        <!-- intbox, listen to negative integer in the begining -->
        <intbox id="inverseCounter" readonly="true" />
            <contextBinding field="value" context="@load(vm.inverseCounter)" />
        listen to: <label value="@load(vm.inverseCounter)" />
        <div />
        <!-- update value of positive/negative integer -->
        <button id="updateCounterBtn" label="updaet counter and negative counter"
            onClick="@command('updateCounter')" />
        <!-- switch listening context of the two intboxess above -->
        <button label="switch context" id="switchBtn"
            onClick="@command('switchCounter')" />

VM for push_to_all.zul

package test;

import impl.serverpush.ServerPushUtil;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2
 * @author benbai123
public class TestPushToAllVM {
    /** context listened by intboxes */
    private String _counter = "positive";
    private String _inverseCounter = "negative";
    /** desktop of this VM */
    private Desktop targetDesktop;

    /** counter used to update positive/negative integer */
    private static AtomicInteger _cntCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    // getters
    public String getCounter () {
        return _counter;
    public String getInverseCounter () {
        return _inverseCounter;
     * update value to context 'positive' and 'negative' via
     * WebSocket
     * All components that listen to these context will be updated
    public void updateCounter () {
        int val = _cntCounter.incrementAndGet();
        push(val, "positive", false);
        push(-1*val, "negative", false);
    /** switch listening components of 'positive' and 'negative' context
     * current desktop only
    @NotifyChange({"counter", "inverseCounter"})
    public void switchCounter () {
        int val = _cntCounter.get();
        // push to opposite (for self desktop) before switch context
        push(val, "negative", true);
        push(-1*val, "positive", true);
        String tmp = _counter;
        _counter = _inverseCounter;
        _inverseCounter = tmp;

    /** push value
     * @param val
     * @param context
    private void push (Object val, String context, boolean desktopOnly) {
        try {
            if (targetDesktop == null) {
                targetDesktop = Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop();
            if (desktopOnly) {
                // push to current desktop only
                ServerPushUtil.pushVlaue(val, context, targetDesktop);
            } else {
                // push to all desktop
                ServerPushUtil.pushVlaue(val, context);
        } catch (Exception e) {


Update value with java thread, Desktop scope.

    <!-- Tested with ZK 6.5.2 -->
    <window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
        viewModel="@id('vm') @init('test.TestAutoPushVM')">
        <!-- intbox that will be updated -->
        <intbox readonly="true" />
            <contextBinding field="value" context="@load(vm.task)" />
        <!-- start update -->
        <button label="start" onClick="@command('start')" />
        <!-- stop update -->
        <button label="stop" onClick="@command('stop')" />
        <!-- textbox that bind rows/cols to integer -->
        <textbox />
            <contextBinding id="cbd" field="@load(vm.prop)" context="@load(vm.task)" />
        <button label="switch field (rows/cols)" onClick="@command('switchRowCol')" />

VM for automatic_push.zul

package test;

import impl.serverpush.ServerPushUtil;

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2
 * @author benbai123
public class TestAutoPushVM {

    /** Counter used to update integer */
    private AtomicInteger _cnt = new AtomicInteger(0);
    /** ServerPush task timer */
    private Timer timer;
    /** Desktop of this VM */
    private Desktop targetDesktop;
    /** Binded field of textbox */
    private String _prop = "rows";

    // getters
    public String getTask () {
        return "timerTask";
    public String getProp () {
        return _prop;
     * start server push with WebSocket for
     * specific context "timerTask"
     * current desktop only
    public void start () {
        if (timer == null) {
            // update once immediately when first time start
            if (_cnt.get() == 0) {
                push(_cnt.incrementAndGet(), "timerTask");
            timer = new Timer();
            timer.schedule(getTimerTask(), 1000, 1000);
     * stop server push with WebSocket for
     * specific context "timerTask"
     * current desktop only
    public void stop () {
        if (timer != null) {
            timer = null;
    public void switchRowCol () {
        if ("rows".equals(_prop)) {
            _prop = "cols";
        } else {
            _prop = "rows";
    // task to be scheduled to update context "timerTask" every second
    private TimerTask getTimerTask () {
        return new TimerTask() {
            public void run () {
                push(_cnt.incrementAndGet(), "timerTask");
    /** push value to specific context
     * @param val value to push
     * @param context context to push
    private void push (Object val, String context) {
        try {
            if (targetDesktop == null) {
                targetDesktop = Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop();
            // push to current desktop only
            ServerPushUtil.pushVlaue(val, context, targetDesktop);
        } catch (Exception e) {

Copied from AURequestWithWebSocket, completely the same.

Copied from AURequestWithWebSocket, change _useWebSocketAU default to true and override smartUpdate instead of setter.

Created for this POC, override smartUpdate instead of override setters separately.
Almost the same with Intbox (actually completely the same after serialVersionUID

Define a "WebSocket Enhanced Component -- ServerPush type" for ServerPush pattern

package components.serverpush;

import impl.serverpush.Binding;
import components.IWebSocketEnhancedComponent;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2<br>
 * Define a "WebSocket Enhanced Component -- ServerPush type"
 * for ServerPush pattern
 * @author benbai123
public interface IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent extends IWebSocketEnhancedComponent {
    /** Add Binding for specific field/context pair
     * The added Binding will be stored to a Binding List of a Component
     * @param field field to bind
     * @param context context to bind with field
     * @return the Added Binding
    public Binding addSocketContextBinding (String field, String context);
    /** Remove Binding for specific field/context pair
     * Remove it from Binding List of a Component
     * @param field field of field/context pair to remove
     * @param context context of field/context pair to remove
    public void removeSocketContextBinding (String field, String context);

Created for this POC, implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent to support WebSocket ServerPush Almost the same with Textbox (completely the same after serialVersionUID)

package components.serverpush;

import impl.serverpush.Binding;
import impl.serverpush.ServerPushUtil;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2<br>
 * Created for this POC, implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent to
 * support WebSocket ServerPush
 * Almost the same with Textbox (completely the same after serialVersionUID)
 * @author benbai123
public class Intbox extends components.Intbox implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3277498174057967067L;

    public Binding addSocketContextBinding(String field, String context) {
        return ServerPushUtil.addContextBinding(this, field, context);

    public void removeSocketContextBinding(String field, String context) {
        ServerPushUtil.removeContextBinding(this, field, context);


Created for this POC, implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent to support WebSocket ServerPush Almost the same with Intbox (completely the same after serialVersionUID)

package components.serverpush;

import impl.serverpush.Binding;
import impl.serverpush.ServerPushUtil;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2<br>
 * Created for this POC, implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent to
 * support WebSocket ServerPush
 * Almost the same with Intbox (completely the same after serialVersionUID)
 * @author benbai123
public class Textbox extends components.Textbox implements IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2354643632056197764L;

    public Binding addSocketContextBinding(String field, String context) {
        return ServerPushUtil.addContextBinding(this, field, context);

    public void removeSocketContextBinding(String field, String context) {
        ServerPushUtil.removeContextBinding(this, field, context);


Helper component to help a component to bind field with ServerPush context

package components.helper;

import impl.serverpush.Binding;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zul.Div;

import components.serverpush.IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2
 * Helper component to help a component to bind field with ServerPush context
 * @author benbai123
public class ContextBinding extends Div {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7156149643515776677L;
    /** field to bind with context (required) */
    private String _field = "";
    /** context to bind with field (required) */
    private String _context = "";
    /** specified id of target component (optional) */
    private String _target;
    /** used to store current binding (relatively old) for changing field/context */
    private Binding _oldBinding = null;
    /** found target */
    private IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent _foundTarget;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public ContextBinding () {
        // update target url while created
        addEventListener(Events.ON_CREATE, new EventListener () {
            public void onEvent (Event event) {
        // do not output any html
        setWidgetOverride ("redraw", "function (out) {}");
    // setters
    public void setTarget (String target) {
        _target = target;
    public void setField (String field) {
        if (field == null) {
            field = "";
        if (!field.equals(_field)) {
            _field = field;
    public void setContext (String context) {
        if (context == null) {
            context = "";
        if (!context.equals(_context)) {
            _context = context;

    /** Update Binding of target Component when field/context is changed
    private void updateTargetBinding () {
        if (!_field.isEmpty() && !_context.isEmpty()) {
            _foundTarget = findTarget();
            if (_foundTarget != null) {
                // remove old binding if exists
                if (_oldBinding != null) {
                    if (_field.equals(_oldBinding.getField())
                            && _context.equals(_oldBinding.getContext())) {
                        // already binded, do nothing
                    _foundTarget.removeSocketContextBinding(_oldBinding.getField(), _oldBinding.getContext());
                // add new binding and store it to _oldBinding
                _oldBinding = _foundTarget.addSocketContextBinding(_field, _context);
    /* package */ IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent getFoundTarget () {
        return _foundTarget;
    /** Try to find target to update
     * The order to try: <br>
     * 1. Try to find fellow under the same space owner with specified "target" attribute.<br>
     * 2. Try to find whether previous sibling is IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent.<br>
     * 3. Try to find whether previous sibling is ContextBinding and already found a target.<br>
     * 4. Try to find whether parent is IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent.<br>
     * This way it can work without target attribute in most cases.
     * @return IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent if any
    /* package */ IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent findTarget () {
        Component comp;
        Component previous = getPreviousSibling();
        // Try to find fellow under the same space owner with specified "target" attribute.
        if (_target != null && !_target.isEmpty()) {
            comp = getSpaceOwner().getFellowIfAny(_target);
            if (comp != null
                && (comp instanceof IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent)) {
                return (IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent) comp;
        // Try to find whether previous sibling is IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent.
        if (previous instanceof IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent) {
            return (IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent) previous;
        // Try to find whether previous sibling is ContextBinding and already found a target.
        if (previous instanceof ContextBinding) {
            IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent previousTarget = ((ContextBinding) previous).getFoundTarget();
            if (previousTarget != null) {
                return previousTarget;
        // Try to find whether parent is IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent.
        if (getParent() instanceof IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent) {
            return (IWebSocketServerPushEnhancedComponent)getParent();
        return null;

Modified from AURequestWithWebSocket, almost the same, add synchronized for ServerPush.

Modified from AURequestWithWebSocket, almost the same, store channel at desktop so can send response with desktop itself.

Define an Event listener used to process event from Not used in this POC.

Copied from AURequestWithWebSocket, completely the same excepts this fragment. Not used in this POC

Binding that bind a field of a component to specific context for WebSocket ServerPush.

package impl.serverpush;


/** Binding that bind a field of a component to specific context for WebSocket ServerPush
 * @author benbai123
public class Binding implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1591783705902661276L;
    /** field to bind of component */
    private String _field;
    /** context to bind with field */
    private String _context;
    // Constructor
    public Binding (String field, String context) {
        if (field == null) {
            field = "";
        if (context == null) {
            context = "";
        _field = field;
        _context = context;
    // getters, setters
    public void setField (String field) {
        if (field == null) {
            field = "";
        _field = field;
    public String getField () {
        return _field;
    public void setContext (String context) {
        if (context == null) {
            context = "";
        _context = context;
    public String getContext () {
        return _context;
    // super
    public int hashCode () {
        return (_field + _context).hashCode() * 31;
    public boolean equals (Object obj) {
        if (obj != null
                && (obj instanceof Binding)) {
            Binding b2 = (Binding) obj; 
            return (_field.equals(b2.getField())
                    && _context.equals(b2.getContext()));
        return false;

Utilities for ServerPush with WebSocket, concept is similar to ServerPushWithWebSocket -- Component Oriented Version, rewritten it to Desktop Oriented Version.

package impl.serverpush;

import impl.TestWebSocketServlet;

import java.beans.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;

/** Tested with ZK 6.5.2<br>
 * Utilities for ServerPush with WebSocket, concept is similar to
 * ServerPushWithWebSocket -- Component Oriented Version, rewritten it to
 * Desktop Oriented Version.
 * @author benbai123
public class ServerPushUtil {
    /** keep all binded Desktop */
    private static List<Desktop> bindedDesktops = new ArrayList<Desktop>();
    /** Lock for push to all desktops */
    private static Integer LOCK_FOR_PUSH_TO_ALL = 0;
    /** Lock for access bindedDesktops */
    private static Integer LOCK_FOR_ACCESS_BINDED_DESKTOPS = 0;
    /** attribute kay for binding map */

    /** Add a Binding to a Component
     * @param comp Component to bind member field with update context
     * @param field field of component to bind
     * @param context context to bind with field
     * @return Binding the added Binding object
    public static Binding addContextBinding (Component comp, String field, String context) {
        Binding binding = null;
        synchronized (comp.getDesktop()) {
            // get binding list of specified component
            List<Binding> bindingList = getBindingList(comp);
            // create a binding object with specified field/context
            binding = new Binding(field, context);
            // add binding into binding list if not exists
            if (!bindingList.contains(binding)) {
        // return created binding
        return binding;
    /** Remove a Binding from a Component
     * @param comp Component to remove Binding
     * @param field field of the field-context pair to remove
     * @param context context of the field-context pair to remove
    public static void removeContextBinding (Component comp, String field, String context) {
        synchronized (comp.getDesktop()) {
            Map<Component, List<Binding>> bindingMap = getBindingMap(comp.getDesktop());
            // get binding list of specified component
            List<Binding> bindingList = bindingMap.get(comp);
            if (bindingList != null) {
                // create a binding object with specified field/context
                Binding target = new Binding (field, context);
                // remove binding if exists
                for (Binding b : bindingList) {
                    if (b.equals(target)) {

    /** Push a value to a context for all desktops 
     * @param value value to push
     * @param context context to push to
     * @throws Exception whatever
    public static void pushVlaue (Object value, String context) throws Exception {
        synchronized (LOCK_FOR_PUSH_TO_ALL) {
            // used to store dead desktop
            List<Desktop> deadDesktops = new ArrayList<Desktop>();
            // make a copy to reduce lock
            List<Desktop> desktopToPush = new ArrayList<Desktop>();
            synchronized (LOCK_FOR_ACCESS_BINDED_DESKTOPS) {
            // for each binded desktop
            for (Desktop bindedDesktop : desktopToPush) {
                if (bindedDesktop.isAlive()) {
                    // push value to context if alive
                    execPush(value, context, bindedDesktop);
                } else {
                    // store it to deadDesktops otherwise
            // remove all dead desktops
            synchronized (LOCK_FOR_ACCESS_BINDED_DESKTOPS) {
            for (Desktop dt : desktopToPush) {
                // send response via WebSocket
    /** Push a value to a context for specified desktop
     * @param value value to push
     * @param context context to push to
     * @param desktop desktop to apply this push
     * @throws Exception whatever
    public static void pushVlaue (Object value, String context, Desktop desktop) throws Exception {
        if (desktop.isAlive()) {
            // push value to context for specified desktop if alive
            execPush(value, context, desktop);
        } else {
            synchronized (LOCK_FOR_ACCESS_BINDED_DESKTOPS) {
                // remove specified desktop from bindedDesktops otherwise
        // send response via WebSocket
    /** Apply "push value to context" for specified desktop
     * @param value value to push
     * @param context context to push to
     * @param desktop desktop to apply
     * @throws Exception whatever
    public static void execPush (Object value, String context, Desktop desktop) throws Exception {
        // execute push if WebSocket of desktop is ready
        if (TestWebSocketServlet.isWebSocketReady(desktop)) {
            synchronized (desktop) {
                // get binding map
                // (Map<String, List> where String is component ID and List is Binding objects)
                Map<Component, List<Binding>> bindingMap = (Map<Component, List<Binding>>)desktop.getAttribute(BINDING_MAP);
                if (bindingMap != null) {
                    for (Map.Entry<Component, List<Binding>> e : bindingMap.entrySet()) {
                        // get component by ID
                        Component comp = e.getKey();
                        // get binding list
                        List<Binding> bindings = e.getValue();
                        // for each binding
                        for (Binding binding : bindings) {
                            // push value to component if
                            // context of binding is equal to specified context
                            if (binding.getContext().equals(context)) {
                                // get field from binding
                                String field = binding.getField();
                                // build setter name
                                String method = "set" + field.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.substring(1);
                                // call setter to set value to component
                                Statement stat = new Statement(comp, method, new Object[]{value});
    /** Get Binding list of a Component
     * @param comp Component to get Binding list
     * @return Binding list for specified Component
    private static List<Binding> getBindingList (Component comp) {
        // get binding map
        Map<Component, List<Binding>> bindingMap = getBindingMap(comp.getDesktop());
        // try to get binding list
        List<Binding> bindingList = bindingMap.get(comp);
        // create and add binding list if not exists
        if (bindingList == null) {
            bindingList = new ArrayList<Binding>();
            bindingMap.put(comp, bindingList);
        // return (created) binding list
        return bindingList;
    /** Get Binding map of a Desktop
     * @param dt specified Desktop
     * @return Map<Component, List<Binding>> Binding map of specified Desktop
    private static Map<Component, List<Binding>> getBindingMap (Desktop dt) {
        // try to get binding map
        Map<Component, List<Binding>> bindingMap = (Map<Component, List<Binding>>)dt.getAttribute(BINDING_MAP);
        // create and add binding map if not exists
        if (bindingMap == null) {
            bindingMap = new Hashtable<Component, List<Binding>>();
            dt.setAttribute(BINDING_MAP, bindingMap);
            synchronized (LOCK_FOR_ACCESS_BINDED_DESKTOPS) {
        // return (created) binding map
        return bindingMap;


Modified from AURequestWithWebSocket, add config for lang-addon.xml, also change the way to get path for WebSocket (line 61~)


Define components used in this POC.

<!-- Tested with ZK 6.5.2
    Define components


    <!-- It specifies what language addons this addon
        depends on. If specified, this addon will be
        parsed after all the specified addons are parsed -->

    <!-- define param -->


Full project at github

Demo Flash

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